Windows’ hardware requirements have risen along with the number of new features it continues to add with each new release. Given that Windows 10 only needs 1GB of RAM, Windows 11 is rumored to require a minimum of 4GB. Tiny11 is here to save the day if your PC can’t handle the OS’s demanding requirements.

Tiny11 is an unofficial, stripped-down version of Windows 11 (11 Pro 22H2 edition specifically), created for older systems that cannot run the OS officially. Tiny11 has “everything you need for a comfortable computing experience without the bloat and clutter of a standard Windows installation,” according to the developer NTDEV. “.
Download Tiny11 From Here:
ISO File Link:
Tiny11 only needs 2GB RAM and 8GB of storage, significantly lowering the hardware bar. This was accomplished by removing a number of bloatware apps that stock vanilla Windows 11 typically includes. You do receive essential programs like Calculator, Paint, and Notepad, but Microsoft Edge has been removed. Additionally, the OS does away with security prerequisites like Secure Boot and TPM.
Despite the fact that Tiny11 has some obvious advantages, there are still drawbacks. Tiny11 does not receive automatic updates because there is no official support for it. Due to the fact that many apps and services have been removed from the OS, there is also no guarantee against things breaking down if you start digging around a bit too deeply.

We suggest choosing a second computer that you don’t use as frequently for the installation if you decide to move forward.
Disclaimer: Only carry out the instructions below if you are certain that you understand what you are doing. Aside from the security risks, Tiny11 is an unofficial product that, if improperly installed, can actually damage your system.